+61 (02) 9622 8383



IDE Supply Self Drilling Anchor Systems (SDA)

Self Drilling Anchor bar in R32, R38, R51, T76, T111

Also available on special order

R25, T20, T40, T52, T73, T103 and T127

Bits available in stock or on special order include

EX – Hardened cross bit for loose to medium dense ground conditions.
ES – Hardened button bit for unconsolidated rock with boulders.
EC – Hardened arch bit for unconsolidated soil with small boulders.
EY – Hardened 3 cutter bit for loose to medium dense ground.
EXX – TC cross bit for medium to soft rock formations.
ESS – Button bit with TC inserts for medium rock formations.
ECC – TC arch bit for soft to medium rock formations.
EYY – TC 3 cutters bit for soft to medium rock formations.

Please download our catalog Click Here

IDE - Self Drilling Anchors, anti-corrossion bar  IDE - Self Drilling Anchors, T-thread

IDE - Self Drilling Anchors  R51 - 115mm buttons bit

IDE - Gal Self Drilling Anchors (2)  IDE - Gal Self Drilling Anchors

IDE - Self Drilling Anchors (1)  IDE - Self Drilling Anchors (11)

IDE - Self Drilling Anchors (15)  IDE - Self Drilling Anchors (21)

IDE - Self Drilling Anchors (12)